Saturday, January 6, 2018


I've started to enjoy my self projects so much that I am too the point that maybe I shouldn't photograph except to just work on self projects.

Don't get me wrong I'm thankful to be able to make a living taking photographs for the public in the form of event photography and portraits, but I've become so obsessed with improving and lining up models to work on this or that that I either need to get a day job or win the lottery.

Last year I worked on self projects but would fall behind and then worked so much I never had time to work on them.  I told myself a month ago, I WAS GOING TO IMPROVE and I couldn't do that if I didn't practice.

I've been working alot on headshot and my main market is the barrel racing community.  What better way to work on something to improve than adding in your local barrel racers.

Trinity Smith is one of the youngest trainers in our area, and a very successful young barrel racer.  She has just picked up 2 additional sponsors and I will be adding her to my team in 2018.

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