Friday, November 22, 2019

Why I Love Portrait Photography

The past few years I've seen my business grow more toward portrait photography, a little back history about me I started out photographing a local Youth Organization and from there a few of the moms would ask if I also did portraits.  I started out playing around with it but when I decided to really pursue portrait photography I started to attend workshops from more experienced photographers.  I learned that I really love taking portraits, I especially enjoy when they include things they love if its horses, sheep, cars, trucks, boats.  Anything that in 20 years from now will remind them of this time in their life.

As a portrait photographer that is working to photograph the seniors in your area, think about this occasion.  It is one of the last big moments in that young persons life for his or her parents.  The parents have had so much time with this person capturing memories and now its time for you to give them one of the last biggest memories that parents will have as this young person is probably going off to college.  If your a photographer, talk to the parents to have them as involved as possible - this is such a great memory for them and they know its just a few months away before this life they have been consumed with is about to go off to adulthood.

Be as creative as possible in the senior sessions, ask a lot of questions, what are your interests, what are your hobbies, what are some of the things you love to do, do you play sports etc.  Incorporate as much of their personality and likes in their session - as young people move on to other things in life they may end up leaving behind something that consumed a lot of their lives at this point, give them a lasting memory

Don't forget the critters in your sessions, everyone has a special horse, dog, or cat that they are so close to, I have the above young lady booking a session a year to capture the growth of this palomino, it's the best feeling knowing that you will be seeing them yearly and each year will be different in theme and in the meantime we are capturing memories that she will cherish for a lifetime

When someone contacts you for a session, along with answering all of their questions, please ask them questions as well, you want this experience to be amazing for them, when they receiving their photos you want them to love them so much they are all over their home printed, framed and there for all of her friends and family to see. to book your session

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