One of the biggest benefits of working as a professional photographer is the people you meet. I have met so many amazing people due to my job. A few years back photographing a barrel race I got to meet one of those amazing people that come into your life. Aaron Hennig, you couldn't miss her, wearing a helmet with a big red fringe / mohawk on top she definitely stood out.
I recently was given the biggest honor in capturing her engagement photos, what made this such a huge honor for me and probably the most nervous I have ever been was just a few month ago (August 2018) she lost her best friend, her rock, her person she told her deepest secrets and Her Photographer.
A lot of people don't think in these terms, but Your Photographer is the same as your Doctor, your stylist, Your Dentist, they are the person you trust with your memories. When Aaron messaged me to ask "Jo Would you be my photographer?" you have no idea what a huge honor this was and I knew I couldn't let her down.
Shawn and Aaron met a few years back in a club in Muenster Texas where Shawn was doing something he loves very dearly, playing in a band, when Aaron walked in he didn't realize he was talking thru the mic when he said "OMG Who Is That?" Aaron being new to the area wasn't worried about people looking at her, but she definitely had her eyes on him.
You can hear the love in her voice when Aaron tells you about Shawn, he is one of those guys that can take any non working small engine and make it run, he loves motorcycles and music even more, he is self taught musician and never took lessons and actually suffered stage fright but one day realized the mic was not going to bite him. From a farm/ranch background Shawn worked cattle on their family farm, he is the youngest of 7 kids.

They are both big animal lovers and included their furry babies in their recent engagement session. Echo (top photo) was adopted by Aaron from a Gainesville, Tx shelter "Noahs Ark" she offered her double the adoption fee to make sure nobody else would get her. Bella (bottom photo) is 19 years young and has been with Shawn since she was 5 weeks old. Bella is Shawns absolute world, they are thick as thieves, they have been thru a lot together. The last furry critter in the family (no photo) is Piper a boxer mix that Shawn surprised Aaron with on their 6th anniversary together.

Aaron is from a working horse background, working at a YMCA camp as a wrangler, she tended to all of the horses at the facility, riding, caring, and taking customers on rides. From Wrangler to working around races horses in Laredo Texas this led her to meet some of her closest friends in Saint Jo Texas where we captured their engagement session. Aaron lists woodworking as one of her favorite hobbies, she loves to create and paint anything with wood. Just three short months after first meeting in that club they fell in love and knew they would be together forever. Facebook & Instagram